Wednesday 30 December 2009

the best year ender blog.


life sucks

the only person who wanted to talk to me doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

way to go intet.

Saturday 5 December 2009

random missing photos

And so it's been too long since I've blogged. I need to lose weight. seriously.

Saturday 28 February 2009

why so serious?

First, I've been told that summer had started already, no wonder I was showering with sweat a while ago.

Second, Shopaholic movie isn't really Confessions of a Shopaholic, well yea, I got a bit disappointed, but if I haven't read the book like thrice, the movie would have been nice ( or not hahaha ).

Third, I am actually considering of looking for another company, well that would really be meaning that I would be giving up on my Magazine Marketing something something dream. I had to put in mind that Andy Sachs and Rebecca Bloomwood worked for a magazine publication. HAHA Ok Conde Nast, I'm on my way bla bla.

And the rest of the seriousness is caused by the that "what-does-an-intern-wear-on-her-on-your-on-the-job-summer-training-where-almost-all-people-from-the-company-are-hot-and-fashionable-and-when-this-intern-is-broke-to-death (not to mention fat)-but-still-wants-to-buy-hot-spring/summer 09 clothes."

that would be all.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Sum it up.

I've got something that a million girls would kill for. hahaha nah! :P