Saturday, 3 November 2007

running out of things to say




ok so Im running out of things to say about this is WEIRD. It just came up to me that I wanted to make a post but I don't not what to tell about. OMG Im sounding like a senseless person. Sooo think think think what should I write about, well... Oh dear zero.

Well you can't blame me, nothing exciting happened to me for about a week (I guess). Noooothing except for friendster, multiply, omg and oh yea I have a new shopaholic book (well actually its ate's book but hello we're sisters and books are something to be shared). Its shopaholic and sister now. Well Becky Bloomwood (now Brandon) and her husband Luke just came home from a honeymoon, the've been nomads for 10 months (well the honeymoon was supposed to be 12 month world tour, but they got bored and decided to go back in LONDON). And a lot of things happened. The book is really funny and all that but the middle part of the story was quite sad and I really cried hahaha!

Oh dear Im still sooo bored and school is just one day away! (never mind today its just 2 hours before midnight). What Im trying to say is that Im not ready for school yet, I mean hello is better staying here at home having enough sleep not not worrying about stuffs (and of course not being guilty about being online). But Im not saying that I want to be a bum forever hahahaha! but I need another week hayyy.

now Im really running out of things to say.

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