few minutes waiting then it's goodbye childhood days. I don't want to be 18! hahahaha. Wala lang, I just don't feel like being called an ADULT. Time is realllly ticking sooooo fast, I mean yesterday I was a kiddo and now I'm about to leave my childish dreams behind!
I've thanked almost everyone on my goodbye 2007 post, but ok I'll repeat it again. hahaha
Krizza Mata, Cha Cha Esteban, Alyssa Gabaldon, Rodora Elegado, Krissy Cadiz, Joyce Comia, Mylene Sulayao, Me-an Veneracion, Hannah Perez, Arian Santos and all my CIC friends: thank you soooo much for being part of my childhood days. For all those catfights and dramas, thank you guys 
Melinna Grace Tiongson: Thank you for being my all-time bestfriend! Eventhough we're not always together, I mean we're still super close hahaha. Thanks for always listening to my problems and my kaartehans. I love you. mwah mwah
Ronald Replan: thanks balong! oh I mean hotness, hahah you're the first green person I've met in high school sh*t. Thanks for all those laughtrips and unforgettable KMP memories! hahaha hell.
Via Mateo: Thanks for being my ultimate CSmate and YMmate hahaha!
Lindaraine Perez, Kath Abello, Clarisse Campos: thank you guys for being my Repapips in Sci Hi love you all! :D
Victoria Crisaldo: thank you for being my first NFF (new found friend) in HOPS hahaha. We're both transferee's so yun we conive hahaha! And thanks for always being there for me through thick and thin.
Catherine Apaniada, Tzeitel Dichosa, Enna Sarmiento: grabe thanks you girls for being with me during 4th year days, hahaha I'll never forget our super major fight! hhahaha and thank you din for we're still friends until now, I mean we only shared one school year so yun thanks guys! :D
Laksman Dela Cruz: Thanks for the kwentos and compliments hahaha!
Anna Lentejas and Kimberly Dela Cruz: thanks for being the witnesses of my first hahahaha! whatever, you guys know what I mean
John Anthony Pepito: hahaha thanks for the RENT dvd! hahaha, and thanks for the late night chats (again) hahaha. Thanks for being with me during the UAAP cheerdance pila haha it was soooo early pero thanks talga! hahaha
William Cruzana: JUuuuuunie! hahaha thanks for everything, thanks for always listening to my dramas, thanks for the compliments, the laugtrips and the laitan moments! love you pare!
Sitty Mangotara: We hated each other at first! hahah pero here you are, one of my closest friends in college! hahaha. Thanks for the PHOTO edits, for the laughtrips, for the tambay moments, for the dinosaurs, for always making paalala all of my first year hell moments hahahaha, for everything.. thanks soooo much
Angelique Verzosa: Graaaaaaaaaabe! hahahaha thanks for super being part of my college life hahahahah. Thanks for being my PE classmate for 3 sems hahaha grabe!, thanks for all the encouragement and the kwentos and everything! hahaha.
Royce Ann Dimitui: Thanks so much for being my most mabait and most understanding friend in college. I'm soooooo soorrry about the pageant. Love ya
Nestor Ventura: hell, thanks for being my seatmate for two years! hahahaha. Thanks for the libre's (if ever meron), thanks for the photocopies, and thanks for being soooo patient on us 5.
Mariko Robles: as I've said on my previous post, thank for being my NFF. Thanks for the Beato trips, Washroom trips, Felix Moments, and just everything! hahaha thaaaaaaanks
Caroline Bugayong: MAN!!! grabe. I don't really know how to thank you much for coming into my college life! hahaha grabe. Like sitty, we hated each other before or you hated me before or whatever, hahaha yet you've become my closest friend in college. thanks fooooor everything!
Ate Michelle: Thanks foooor everything hahahaha! love you
Ate Geng: thanks for being my ate hahahaha. Thanks for all the encouragements and panlalaits hahaha. Thanks foooor everything love ya
Ate Zsa: Thanks for being my super bwisit sister of all! thanks for everthing for the laughtrips! hahahahaha, thanks for not kissing me during peace be with you's, christmas, new year or my bday hahahah thanks talga!!! hahaahaha
Karl: hahaha as if you're gonna read this, but if ever, thanks for being the most adorable brother ever. love you
My parents: thanks for bringing me into this world hahahah, thanks for everything you have given me. love you
and to everyone who had been part of my 17 years of existence (the good, the bad and the ugly! haha kidding) thanks soooooooo much, I love you people! hahahaha
It's 12:00 am, I am now officially 18, goodbye minors years, You'll always remain in my heart! hahahaha