Friday, 27 July 2007

When GOOD things come to an end.

Everything has to come to and end, good things and bad things. Even Harry Potter has come to an end, but that's not what I am trying to point out, this is more than just a simple fiction, this is reality.

I've been suffering from pimple attack since the very moment I came out of the hospital. My doctor said it was nothing, so I didn't panic. I thought everything will be alright by June pero everything went worse.

July is about to end pero as days go by, my face becomes worse. I already went to a "face clinic" but nothing happend (it just went worse than ever). A lot of my friends are saying that I am just over reacting over the issue, that I'll all be ok, but its not like that. They just don't know how hard it is for me. They just don't know how I really feel.

Maybe If I haven't gone to that stupid operation, maybe all of these wouldn't happen. Its better na to die than to live a miserable life. OO I feel miserable. Anyone who has the same case as mine would feel the same way. Ashamed to talk to people for they would be looking at your face and feel sorry for you, Trying so hard not to see old friends, Going out with your family and feel insecure because you know you are the ugliest of the bunch. Kainis. I hate it, and now Im crying.

All GOOD things come to an end so I guess this is the end of everything. It's all over. My vanity is over.

Thursday, 26 July 2007

the end.

ok so Im done with Harry at last, bad thing is I sacrificed my accounting assignment for him but it was all worth it.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

big deal-the fate of the boy who lived.

ok so Last night I started reading harry potter 7..but I only finished one chapter (darn it) because I have to make review for my NSTP long test (and if I only knew that that long test would only be 1-30 and would only take me 8 mins to answer sana di nalang ako nagreview and binuhos ko nalang ang buong night kay HARRY POTTER). And so I placed the HP book under the bed...

eto napaka weird talga. Last night, hindi ako makatulog because I kept on thinking on what will happen to the famous Harry Potter, I was like " ok so kukunin ko ba yung book o hindi? kunin ko na kaya.. nooooo may long test ka pa bukas, you have to wake up early para di ka ma late....."

Then I was forcing myself to sleep pero still Harry was bothering me ( hahaha big deal talaga). I was remeniscing naman on HP 6 kasi I only read it once soooo ayun I kept on thinking about the important facts... Then again I was like " intet kunin mo na yung intet di ka makakatulog pag ginawa mo yan.. pero ganun din yun e.. di karin naman makasleep so magbasa ka nalang...".... And so I spent 3 hours thinking if kukunin ko yung book or hindi.. hahaha I slept at around 3 am darn it sana nagbasa nalang ako...

big deal-the fate of the boy who lived.

ok so Last night I started reading harry potter 7..but I only finished one chapter (darn it) because I have to make review for my NSTP long test (and if I only knew that that long test would only be 1-30 and would only take me 8 mins to answer). And so I placed the HP book under the bed...

eto napaka weird talga. Last night, hindi ako makatulog because I kept on thinking on what will happen to the famous Harry Potter, I was like " ok so kukunin ko ba yung book o hindi? kunin ko na kaya.. nooooo may long test ka pa bukas, you have to wake up early para di ka ma late....." Then I was forcing myself to sleep pero still Harry was bothering me ( hahaha big deal talaga. I was remeniscing naman on HP 6 kasi I only read it once soooo ayun I kept on thinking about the important facts... Then again I was like " intet kunin mo na yung intet di ka makakatulog pag ginawa mo yan.. pero ganun din yun e.. di karin naman makasleep so magbasa ka nalang...".... And so I spent 3 hours thinking if kukunin ko yung book or hindi.. hahaha I slept at around 3 am darn it sana nagbasa nalang ako...

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

anything under the sun (got it from friendster bulletin hahaha)


1. Male friend:
- don't have any..

2. Female friend:
- that's gotta be melinna

3. Vacation:
- vacation with the whole family. =D


1. Time of day:
- FINANCE time. boring sh*t.

2. Day of the Week:
- monday. I hate mondays.

3. Food:
- ampalaya.

4. Memory:
- I have a lot. hahaha =D


1. Person you saw:
- my mom. =D

2. Talked to on the phone:
- I don't know, I can't remember.

3. Text:
- carriebug.

4. Time you visited Chuck Norris on

- huh?

5. Message over MySpace:
- I don't have myspace


1. What are you doing now:

- multiply-ing; friendster-ing.

2. What are you wearing:
- gray shirt, blue shorts

3. Better than yesterday?:
- worse than yesterday.


1. Is: accounting day

2. Got any plans?: none. hahaha

3. Dislikes about tomorrow: late dismissal (4pm)


1. Number: don't have any

2. Song: I Dare you to move

3. Color: pink, green, purple, black, white

4. Season: not so mainit and not so rainy


1. Missing someone: NO

2. Mood: BUSOG. haha

3. Wanting to tattoo or pierce: nooooooooo


I am a cuddler: tralse

I am a morning person: false

I am a perfectionist: tralse

I am an only child: false

I am currently suffering from a broken
ennnggg false. =D

I am very shy around the opposite

I can be paranoid at times: true

I enjoy country music: not so true

I enjoy talking on the phone: true (well it depends on who I am talking with)

I have a hard time paying attention at

I have a private piercing: false

I have at least one brother and/or

I have/had a broken bone: false

I have friends who have never seen my
natural hair color:

I have had major/minor surgery: true

I have had my hair cut within the last
2 months:

I have had the cops called on me: false. =D

Sunday, 15 July 2007

bummer (forgive me. haha I stole this from friendster bulletin)

1.What's the best love story you've
ever watched?
*The Notebook

2. Do u think you're ok?
*No, I don't feel well

3. Song playing at the moment?
*none. I turned the speaker off already.

4. One song to describe current
*I don't need a man hahaha. what the?

5. Accessories you usually wear?
*earrings, necklace. I do love to accesorize but when Im in school I don't wear any.

6. Fav color(s).
*pink, purple, green, yellow, black, white

7. Ever donated blood?
*recieved blood, yes.

8. Last place you went to?
* I don't know the place, Melody's debut party

9. Last person u went out with?
* My fourth year highschool friends

10. The most exciting sport?
*Im not into sports pero I think Its basketball and football.

11. Ever had a permanent tattoo?
* no, not yet

12. Movie u want 2 watch?
* Harry Potter 5. I know ang loser ko dahil di pa ko nakakawatch

13. Any piercings?
* sa ears.

14.The most romantic gift?
*Anything basta it is given with sincerity.

15. Act on stage before?

16. Struck by lightning before?
*not yet.

17. Danced with your loved one before?
*yup. hahaha

18. Ever wished you could turn back
*sometimes, lalo na when I feel guilty about things na I wish sana I haven't done nalang

19. One song that's meaningful to you?
*Dare you to move

20. Last person you met for the first
*Yikes. I don't remember.

21. What will you be doing tomorrow?
*go to school

22. Ever thought of robbing a bank?

23. One thing you totally regret
*hindi sya one. hahaha actually madami

24. Do people like you?
*I sure do hope so.

25. What was the last game you played?
*Hangman, online activity sa eleap

26. Someone who means a lot to you at
the moment?
*no one.

27. The color of your mobile phone?

28. The last book you finished reading?
*the da vinci code

29. The last person who phone-called?
*I can't remember.

30. Message to your love ones?
*Im sorry. hahaha love you all =D

Friday, 13 July 2007

Is it that hard to be yourself?

The weird thing about people is when they make lies (unbelievable lies) just for them to be accepted, no I don't think accepted is the right word. They makes lies for them to be envied and talked about, but the funniest part is that eventhough they know the fact that no one believes in their stories they still keep on telling them. So what's the point right? I really do pity people like those. They don't even know that they haven't got any real friends. tsk tsk too bad for them.

Is it that hard to be yourself?

Face it, you are not that person in your dreams, just tell everyone the truth, and you'll definitely be accepted.

Thursday, 12 July 2007


OK so I finally decided on what I really wanted to be.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Christian View of Man

Whew, at last I've finish answering and posting my assignments in LTS. Actually its not that difficult at all, most of the questions are about one's self and of course any student can relate to those. Here's a copy of the last two questions I've answered:

1) In a line or two, tell something about yourself. What makes you same and different to others?

Actually, I think that I am a million colors. I can be an introvert, ambivert or an extrovert. It depends on my mood and who I am with. One thing that makes me similar from other people is that of course I am also one of the beautiful creations of God. I have a body and soul. I have the intellect which enables me to acquire the necessary knowledge about the meaning of life and I also have the will which enables me to act on my discernment. But I think the one thing that makes me different from other person is my chameleon like talent. I can easily blend in, but I standout ( hahahaha).

2) Nowadays we see many factors challenging the human dignity, how can you as a Thomasian student help preserve dignity?

I can answer this question by saying " if man is into confusion and he doesn't know which path is to choose he must always go back to the old teaching, that in what ever he do, how ever hard life is, he must remember that God is always with him and that God will never forsake him". By thinking that way we can never go wrong in life for we have the knowledge that we are never alone in this world.

And of course I can also answer this by being a good role model to others. Especially to the kids who love to imitate what young adults like us are doing. We must be responsible for our own act and remember that in every action there is always a consequence. =D

--> Actually I had fun answering those because it made me realize my role in this society ( ehem ehem "A good role model"). It also made me realize that there is more to life, We will be experiencing a lot of glories as well as failures but althroughout there is this someone who never left us and who will never leave us alone, and that someone is GOD.

Monday, 9 July 2007

worst. worst. worst.

I've been looking at my older pics these past few hours gosh

totoo nga I lost my self confidence if it wasn't for these pimples arrrgh.

Dati the doctor said "I think that's just the effect of the anesthesia, don't worry mawawala din yan"

Shocks super tagal namang effect nito, Its been two months since my operation and Im getting uglier and uglier each day. If I haven't gone in that stupid ( im starting to be mean na) operation maybe these volacanoes wouldn't have appeared...kainis really naiinis na ko. I mean I can't even dare to look at myself in the mirror (usually kasi I can't live a min. without looking at the mirror seriously). Super worst na sya. I really want to die na pero no, I can't afford to die looking like this. Shix. I hate it. huhuhuhu


Ok so Im back

Im too lazy pa to upload pictures and stuffs so I'll just make a summary of how dreadful my 2nd year life is.

I hate this sem. I think my new classmates are boring boring boring. I mean I can't get along with them? shocks why?

Anyways one thing thats really bothering me right now is PIMPLE ATTACK shix.

I have pimples all over my face.

So here's the story.

Just after I got home from the hospital little volcanoes grew on my face, suddenly those volcanoes aren't little anymore they became huge, enormous, and scary. And then there were pimple marks (so if you could just imagine how I look like), and that's how my life ends. And so that's the reason why I don't smile that often these days, and that's the reason why I lost my self confidence. I feel ugly and I hate it.

chacha saw me, wala lang I was too shy pa nga to approach her kasi yun na nga. shix.

And then there were pimple marks.. ok so that ends my life. bwisit.

Saturday, 7 July 2007

the reason why Im gone.

ok so I haven't been posting anything thing since like forever

for all my contracts who keep on asking why I am not making paramdam or why I am missing

eto na

My computer monitor is broken, it over heated. I don't know when will it be fixed hopefully it'll be back this month because Im sooooo missing the net hahaha. Anyways thanks sa mga friends ko na concerned hahaha. I'll be back soon don't worry and It'll be a major comeback! hahahaha

I miss you guys.

Isabelle =D