Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Jack of All Trades, Master of "Some"
I am Jack, yes the Jack we all knew of, the Jack who took everything but never really learned it all.
Since I was young I've been asking myself the same question, what do I want to be when I grow up? I've dreamed of a lot of things believe me, there was that career in Medicine when I was young, then theater acting, then dancing but I gave up on it all because when I was about to chose a career in college, I just had two things in mind, to be someone in fashion and to see the world.
But it never happened, so I chose a degree that has something to with doing worksheets and financial statements and just basically studying and sleeping at the library for like every single day and guess what? I gave up on that too. Which made me end up in going for a Marketing career, now that's one thing I actually enjoyed. So after college, I was aiming to specialize in Brand Management for Consumer Goods, but again this never happened, I ended up working for a distribution company. I told myself before, that it's gonna be alright, I will get what I want soon, I just have to learn for a year. It's been a year already, and I guess it's safe to say that I'm not happy with my job anymore.
The most frustrating part of this story is that I never seem to get anything I want. I knew I was never going to get that career in fashion so I tried to be one of the best in my chosen career. I joined competitions in college because I want to challenge my capabilities but secretly I just wanted to get a sh*t out of my life, I wanted fame and I wanted my schoolmates to recognize me. I accepted a job right after graduation because I said I wanted to work and use everything I have learned as early as possible well, truth to be told, I just can't stand doing nothing and I wanted to earn money so I could feed my hungry closet. I pretended to be enjoying every minute of my job because I never wanted to share the same miseries as my schoolmates who can't seem to find a company to work for, but here I am whining, just as worst as someone who lost everything, the only difference is that I never had anything the most that I can boast off is my blog (not this blog, but my Fashion-all-in-one blog) and my brown boots. Other than that I have nothing.
But if you're thinking that I never get to master anything that I've been interested with, then you're wrong, I'm not that screwed, I somehow mastered acting, because acting is not just for the stage, I've learned to use it on a day-to-day basis (in a good way) and I've also mastered the art of controlling myself in terms of shopping, I try to avoid the malls nowadays because they do get me upset and yes, writing, not that brainy writer thing but just casual writing.
And so the sad thing about life is that no matter how optimistic I am, no matter how bright I look in to things, my future somehow gets f*cked up, one way or another. Five years ago, I wanted a career in Fashion, Five years after I still do and I wanna move out and migrate to London and get my Masters, hopefully I'll get that working out soon. For now, I will still be blogging and complaining, not until I reach my goal, not until Jack grows up and get her life sorted out.
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Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Friday, 21 January 2011
Moving on
I haven't really thought that I would still be updating this blog after that final happy holidays story I shared a month ago.
Well anyway, Actually this week was one of my bests weeks ever, a lot of good things had happened, some I don't really expect at all. And I thank God for all those wonderful blessings I had this week, simple things could really make you happy.
But a while ago, I was going home with my friend and it was raining so we got stuck under the bridge somewhere near our office and we were talking about our futures, she resigned just a few weeks back and as much as I wanted to be really really happy for her (and I really am), I just feel really depressed now that she's going in few days time. I even wrote on her planner (without letting her know) that I would miss her so much and that I would always love to go and drink coffee with her after work. We've been friends since college and I just don't know how to go on work without her, we practically started our first jobs together and now it's all me.
There was that something in the way she spoke to me which almost made me cry like when she said that the hardest part for me will be on the first day of being alone in the office. And suddenly I found myself imagining that particular moment and I saw in her eyes that she was sad too.
I keep telling her how jealous am I of her, finally she will be having the break we both wanted (because we started working right after graduation) and it sucks to be alone in a place where I can't stand the power tripping moods of the bosses.
Another thing that made me sad today was because of my other friend in college, who's staying in Japan right now. Two years ago we were talking of how much she would want to go back and stay here in the Philippines but our conversation last week was contradicting to what she originally planned and what we were really expecting.
In this post, I have revealed two great fears of mine, one is growing up and two is being alone. I'm not really that person who is hesitant to accept changes but things like these make me feel really sad, maybe because I, myself knew that I'm the only one who isn't moving on my spot right now and that I'm feeling left behind.
Anwyay, I'm praying to God for more good things to come, specially the ones that I've been waiting and asking for more than a year now..
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Friday, January 21, 2011
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Holiday Blues

Then suddenly I felt empty, I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't escape from it all. I've constantly been making this picture of me in that place with that man but then all of a sudden things weren't right anymore.
In my dreams I tried to run away, and the guy I was with just stared at me with confusion, I said I was sorry and I need to be somewhere else.
I woke up not remembering what I dreamt of, few minutes after everything came back and I felt the same way like I was in my dreams, empty.
Try not to take me seriously, I just miss blogging about my blues oh, I've moved out by the way, I'm now writing more about fashion and self obsession, the "IT" stuffs these days. Make me happy today and visit me at Urban Dai
see y'all and Happy Holidays
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Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
the best year ender blog.
life sucks
the only person who wanted to talk to me doesn't want to talk to me anymore.
way to go intet.
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, 5 December 2009
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